Laura Callaghan Art

Protest Art: My 'Shit Happens' Seas

21 March 2024

About my #ShitHappensSeas

I’m painting a series of #shithappens seas of 2024.

I’m painting them using untreated sewage and wastewater from the local sewer overflows at my local beach in Saltdean, Brighton UK.

I mark my #ShitHappens seascape painting with the date that there’s a sewage alert in Saltdean, using the brilliant Surfers Against Sewage, Safer Seas & Rivers Service app.

After a year of painting each affected sea, it’ll be a visual map of the overflow alerts and a grid of seas.

Each painting uses sea water affected by the sewage overflow alert. The painting, like the sea, is affected by pollution.

Why? I want to bring focus to the campaign to end sewage discharge into all UK bathing waters and to reduce all sewage discharges by 90% by 2030.

I visit my beach every day, I paint the sea every day. I want to protect my local beach and protect the sea. I want to do my bit.

Do you have the Safer Seas & Rivers Service app? @surfersagainstsewage Download it immediately! (It’s free!). We look at it everyday to make sure it’s safe to rockpool, paddle or swim in our local sea.